Let's Talk to Animals

How to start picking up your pet's intuitive communications

Shannon Cutts

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Every time I welcome a new group of animal communication students to my Animal Communication Adventure program, their greatest fear is the same.: "will I be able to hear my pet's messages?"

I remember these fears well from my own student days. And - truth - sometimes I still worry, especially when I am communicating with an animal who has a quieter or more shy personality.

Even if you are not currently dreaming of becoming an animal communicator yourself, as a pet parent, you probably wonder if you are receiving any messages from your pet. 

This can be especially true when you feel like your pet doesn’t feel well physically or having behavior challenges. And if you are parenting a rescue pet, you might feel especially concerned that your animal is trying to talk to you and you just aren’t getting their messages.

This episode is focused on helping you learn how to feel confident that you are receiving messages from your pet. We cover:

  • The two responses I hear over and over in my pet parent client sessions that prove to me you actually are hearing your pet directly! 
  • How hiring animal communicators to talk with my own pets helped me begin to trust in my own intuitive abilities
  • The most common reason you might not be understanding what your pet wants you to know
  • A little intuitive anatomy lesson to help you understand your doubting mind better
  • Why now is the BEST time to begin developing your personal intuitive skills – to talk with your pets AND to improve your life in every other way as well
  • A few easy and fun prompts you can start to use right away to begin picking up messages from your pet and open up your intuition in every area of your life

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Shannon Cutts:

Shannon here, animal sensitive and intuitive Reiki master practitioner, animal communication teacher and, most importantly, your friendly neighborhood hostess, along with my precious feathered co-host, petal Cutts, for the let's Talk to Animals podcast. And today, what I really want to talk with you about is something that we all struggle with universally, as pet parents, as animal carers, as guardians of the non-human beings that we share this planet with, and this is regardless of whether or not you have awareness of animal communication or not, although for our purposes here, of course, considering that you're listening to a podcast called let's Talk to Animals, a podcast all species can enjoy together, and that so many of the episodes have the words animal communication in the titles, I'm going to assume that you are somewhat familiar. However, I am aware that many people that listen to let's Talk to Animals you worry or you wonder, you're curious about whether or not you've had any direct experiences of animal communication, whether or not your own pets truly are trying to talk with you. In fact, here's an easy example from my one-to-one clients, my pet parent clients, one of which is I just feel like my pet is trying to tell me something, but I cannot seem to figure out what it is. The other thing is, if I share something that an animal has told me to pass along to their pet parent, that pet parent will then say I knew they were going to say that, or I knew they wanted that, or I knew they didn't like that. And let me just tell you I'm not saying that in any way, shape or form to diminish your intuitive capacities, because for many, many years, if you're at all familiar with my personal story, if you have listened to the recent episode I did on how I became a professional animal communicator and all of the serendipitous steps and experiences that led up to that, then you are very familiar with the fact that for many, many years decades really before I became an animal communicator, hung out a shingle and started helping other pet parents with their companion animals, I hired animal communicators. That is what I did.

Shannon Cutts:

I didn't think I could do it, I didn't trust myself, and so I asked communicators to help me talk with my inter species family. So I have had these experiences so many times myself where a communicator would say to me your animal wants this, or your animal doesn't like that, or your animal is frustrated by this, or your animal is feeling that way. And I would say I knew it and out of all of the communication experiences that I did have, I would say there were only a handful of which, if you're watching the video version, you can tell that my cockatiel petal is very intent on getting to the laptop keyboard and the crispy microphone cables that she just loves to chew on. I only remember one communicator one time saying to me you know, you can do this too, shannon. So the missing piece for me, and if this has been a missing piece for you, please do allow me to correct that and be the voice for you to say you know what? Not only can you do this, but you are probably already doing it.

Shannon Cutts:

One of the key ways to know for sure is if you are drawn to animal communication and if you do have specific or even repetitive questions. Or maybe you'll have a specific issue and that is what's driving you to schedule your session and you just have a vibe about something or an instinct about something or a gut intuition about something and you just need a little backup, you need a little support, you need maybe a more objective set of eyes and ears to weigh in on whatever it is that you feel like you're detecting or picking up or curious about or wondering about, and so that's really my role. That's where I often in the past have invited and still do, sometimes when I get stuck, because of course we can get too close to a situation, we can get too close to a being, we can get too close to a problem or an obstacle or a challenge, and it is so game-changing to have support, to have somebody in our corner who will come alongside us and say well, let me just check, let me have a conversation, let me ask the question, or maybe let's brainstorm together. I do this a lot with my pet parent clients, where we brainstorm the questions together. Maybe they'll come lot with my pet parent clients where we brainstorm the questions together. Maybe they'll come to me. Here's a great example of this they will come to me and they will say I feel like my animal is really anxious and I just can't find the right thing to offer them that will ease their anxiety. And so we will workshop this together because, as someone objective, I've never met the animal before. I have not witnessed whatever it is that they are talking about, that they are saying is anxious behavior or anxious mannerisms or habits. So I will say to them. Tell me about what you're seeing, describe what your pet is doing, and then I will ask your animal about that, which is just for the sake of argument. Just to kind of get the cleanest possible slate, let's remove the label anxious or aggressive or fearful or reactive or whatever it may be because it's so normal and natural.

Shannon Cutts:

Our brains want to label things. Especially the left brain mind is wired into the sympathetic nervous system. Now, that is not something you are going to read in brain biology books. This is a different system. I'm is not something you are going to read in brain biology books. This is a different system. I'm talking about your intuitive anatomy, not your biological anatomy, which will tell you that just the opposite is the case. But, intuitively speaking, your left brain mind function is wired into the fight or flight, because its job description is to receive data or information from your fight or flight system that says run or stay, put dangerous, not dangerous, and so we can't really turn off, at least subconsciously, unconsciously. We're not going to be able to stop our left brain mind from assigning labels Joyful, sad, fearful, happy. This is why, when I start my animal communication students inside my animal communication adventure learning program, one of the first things that we talk about and that they learn about is how to use the pairs of opposites Again, because we need to kind of get a sense of where we are on this spectrum from one extreme to the other.

Shannon Cutts:

However, when we're having a conversation and we have pre-labeled something we're seeing as perhaps aggressive, anxious, fearful, avoidant, whatever it may be, I just want to ask that animal about why do you do this thing that you do? What's going on? Sometimes we find out it is actually aggressive or anxious behavior or whatever it is. Sometimes we find out it's absolutely not connected to those labels at all. Perhaps the animal is hungry, they're not able to digest their food, maybe they're in pain, maybe they're being bullied, maybe there is an old trauma pattern that's unresolved. Maybe they're being bullied. Maybe there is an old trauma pattern that's unresolved, maybe they're bored.

Shannon Cutts:

There are so many different reasons, all of these and so many more, that I can't even begin to dream up here in the moment that an animal might exhibit a particular behavior, and so it's really important to find out why. And so this is another area where, when a pet parent comes to me and they want to have a session, sometimes they'll be like yeah, you know, I didn't think it was anxiety, but I didn't know what else to call it. And that's why I'm coming to you, that's why I want to have this conversation with my animals, because my spidey sense, or my vibes or whatever you're talking about, is saying my pet actually isn't reactive or isn't aggressive. That's not their essential nature, but I don't know what else to call it. Maybe they've never seen that kind of behavior before.

Shannon Cutts:

For me, when we adopted our dachshund, who's now nine, we had no idea at the time that he'd had tremendous birth and puppyhood trauma before we met him. And so when he came to us and he didn't seem to want to play and he wasn't affectionate and he would get strangely aggressive at times, and I cannot tell you how many different protocols and modalities that I have used to help Flash open up, feel more trusting, just of life in general. I worked with him with Reiki, with animal communication. I brought in other practitioners to help with holistic supplements and we now have him on fresh foods and he gets acupuncture and chiropractic and we've done emotion code and body code with him and tapping and all kinds of wonderful, wonderful disciplines. We have essential oils that we use with him. So there's so many different things, but it all starts by having a clear understanding of feeling, that gut level ah yes, this is it.

Shannon Cutts:

And so often, this back and forth conversation that I have with the pet parent we're really and most of my clients probably don't pick up on this but we're really tuning into their animal together. We're both communicating and what's so interesting kind of the subtext of this communication is that you, as the pet parent, regardless of whether you're having an animal communication or you're just going about your day your animal is always tuning in with you. You are always communicating with your animal because they are vibing with your energy, what I call your energetic fingerprint or your energetic signature, which is how your animal can tell you from all the other humans on this planet how you can tell. Sometimes I would go to pick up my cockatiel, pearl when he was boarding at our neighbors. I'd come home from a trip and he had so many parrots and so many birds but I could always pick out my Pearl's chirp Even from outside the house. That is the energetic signature of your particular companion animal. We all have one. They're like, if you think of it, like the snowflake of conscious beings. You have one, I have one petal cockatiel behind me here on the chair, has one flash, has one my tortoise, my box turtle, the wild doves outside. Each dove has a unique energetic signature and your pet is tuning in with me to have a conversation during our sessions. But they're also tuning in with you throughout and here's where it gets really interesting. Because if you, if you sign your pet up for an animal communication session but you're not really open to it or you're really skeptical, or you've decided that you're not going to get anything, or you've had a bad experience with another communicator and you bring that energy of fear or doubt or avoidance into the session, your animal who is tuning in with you is going to feel that energy and they are not going to be as open with me.

Shannon Cutts:

Typically, when I really struggle and it doesn't happen a lot, especially the more I do it in this new, expanded, open environment where I'm getting so many more pet parent clients who have never worked with an animal intuitive before and it is so much fun for me I always feel so honored and so happy to be the one who gets to share this beautiful world of deeper connection with a pet parent Of course their animal's already very aware of it. And I always believe that when I am ready to open up a new bank of sessions, I always put the intuitive call out to the pets. I say bring me your people, bring me your pet parents, bring me your human carers. Who's ready to experience animal communication, who is open to it? And the pets bring their people to me to have a session, which is really fun. So I don't get this a lot, but when I do and I have an animal who maybe they're initially open but then I just get a string of really nonsensical information from them or I find it's really hard to translate what I'm receiving from them for their person, or their person doesn't understand what their animal's trying to share, or there just seems to be a mismatch of personalities somewhere. It's often because the pet parent is closed. Intuitively they are not open, they are not trusting or probably the better way to put it is they're not really willing to give it a chance.

Shannon Cutts:

Like any other discipline, including the medical field and science, scientific research there is always a margin for error and we express that in different ways. Like research, scientists express that with numbers and statistics. Medical doctors express that through writing white papers and sharing what they've learned and comparing case studies papers. And sharing what they've learned and comparing case studies intuitives. We express that by dialogue with the pet parents, asking does this make sense, is this resonating with you? Does this line up with your own intuition or how you experience your animal? And, most importantly, we express it through testimonials and reviews. After the fact, did the conversation make a positive difference in your animal's life, in your bond, in your relationship, in your confidence as a pet parent? And so there are so many different ways to measure the validity of the information that is received and the impact that the conversation itself has had in your family. But there's always a margin for error, there's always the chance for mistranslation, especially because and I love to share this story it's a perfect example of what can happen.

Shannon Cutts:

When I was in class with one of my animal communication teachers and this was me as a student we were sharing stories and our teacher told us the story of the time she did a session, a communication, with a yellow Labrador and she asked this yellow Lab, by way of verification, making sure that she's tuned in with the right animal, and that that animal's parent believed that she was tuned in with her dog. So she said what is your favorite toy? And the dog said a yellow bird. Being a lifelong bird lover myself and being the pet parent to a yellow bird, I was like, oh my goodness, and bird? I was like, oh my goodness. And the pet parent was like, oh my goodness, I would never give my dog a yellow bird to play with. And she said I just that doesn't make any sense to me. And the session continued, concluded, and it took some time for her. She was out in the park one day playing with her dog and throwing the bright yellow tennis ball that he loved to run and fetch, and she was watching this tennis ball flying through the air and she thought, oh my goodness, it's the yellow bird.

Shannon Cutts:

So of course, there's always the potential for errors in translation, because the animal is going to have to find some kind of reference, some frame of reference, to send us information that will land with us, that will make sense for us, and he doesn't necessarily know the word for tennis ball. Yes, our animals make all kinds of associations and they do learn a great number of our words over time, including and this is the most obvious attention to the energy that accompanies those words, and so they might not always associate the ball with that round yellow thing they love, but they understand that birds fly in the air, they are fast, some of them are yellow colored and we also understand that. So that is a perfect example of an error of translation. And that is where we, as animal communicators as well as pet parents, we're always checking, rechecking. We're always asking the pet parent client does this make sense to you? We are always going back to the animal If it doesn't, asking for more information or shopping a question to see if we can ask it a different way to get more clarity on what is going on. And yet there are many pet parents who, for whatever reason, they just don't feel like they're able to receive any direct messages from their animals.

Shannon Cutts:

And I, again, I was this pet parent for so many years, first of all because I was really busy working on other projects. I spent 10 years before I became an animal intuitive, working as a professional, full-time freelance writer, and for several of those years, I was also running the charity I had founded. We were an online charity. We were in 42 countries. It was a full-time volunteer job for me, so I was very busy and so when things would come up with my animals, I really didn't have the capacity, the attention span, the energy or the focus to drop what I was doing and learn animal communication so I could talk to my animals. Plus, I didn't really believe that it was possible. I really believe that only quote unquote special people who were born with it, who were born with a special gift, were able to do this work. So for me, as I share in the episode about my personal story and how it worked, the animals actually had to come to me one day and actually flat out tell me that I could do this. It wasn't even enough to hear it from the animal communicator I was working with at the time. I needed to hear it directly, internally, from the spirit of the animals, and that was what really got my attention and set me on this path that I am on today.

Shannon Cutts:

But not everybody is called to work in the field as a professional, to hang out a shingle, to facilitate conversations for other interspecies families, and that is absolutely fine. But that does not mean that your animal is not talking to you all day, every day. Of course they are. You are their world, you're the most important being in their life. Which is why, if you come into an animal communication session and you're not a hundred percent on board, you're not at least cautiously optimistic, you are not open and willing, wondering and curious about what might unfold. What might you learn during this conversation? Not, oh, is the communicator going to verify everything I think I know about my animal, but let me at least be open and willing to try on some new perspectives and new ideas, some new information for size. Some new perspectives and new ideas, some new information for size. So if you're not open to it, at least open to it. You're probably not going to receive any kind of verification that it's actually happening. However, that is one of the reasons why I felt called to start.

Shannon Cutts:

Let's Talk to Animals, because we are living in a time period, this is the age of intuition. We are being invited to wake up, to open up. We are finally living in a time, in a culture at least many of us are where it is safe to talk about intuition, about vibes, about spidey sense, about gut level feelings, openly, without fear of reprisal. In fact, this is kind of a funny aside, but one of my earliest business mentors once used to joke. She often liked to joke that we intuitive souls are just all the witches that were burned at the stake in past centuries and we've come to exact our revenge Now. I don't necessarily ascribe to that point of view, but I do think that there is a fear factor component, some preconditioning, that we bring into this lifetime with us from other incarnations where it wasn't safe to be who we are. It wasn't safe to express what we knew intuitively. It wasn't okay, it wasn't welcome, it wasn't well-received. But today, in most parts of the world at least, it is more often than not safe and even welcomed. More often than not safe and even welcomed, it's an area of real curiosity and interest for many people, and so we're living in a different world today.

Shannon Cutts:

I'm 53 this year and I don't remember ever hearing words like psychic or intuitive growing up. So I did come through a time period where I didn't want to let anyone know that I meditated or did yoga, even though I have been practicing yoga and meditation since I was 19. So that's 30 something years. And I remember especially being born here in the deep South and being raised lightly Christian, as a Methodist. I remember hiding the fact that I meditated and did yoga from the people I knew that were strict Christians, because they were threatened by it. They questioned my faith, and that got me to question my faith too, because I thought this makes me feel better than anything else. It makes me a kinder, more empathic, more balanced, more centered, calmer, human, and that feels very much in alignment with the way that I want to live my life and the kind of being that I want to be.

Shannon Cutts:

And so I just share all that to let you know that if you, like me, are a little more seasoned, if you will and have been through those kinds of times, it's very different now and it's a much more open environment. And I see this with my clients, pet parent clients of all ages, of all generations, who are coming to me, many for the first time, as I shared earlier, because there is this newfound openness Because, yeah, okay, it's still woo-woo, but it's not as woo-woo, and they're talking about it with friends, they're hearing about it on social media, they're reading articles or watching Netflix series about these kinds of topics, and so there is that implicit permission there, that newly opened door, to try it on for size and see how it fits. So understand that your animal is communicating with you and we're going to do a whole separate episode on kind of what to do and how to work through the doubts that you may feel, especially if you are a student whether of mine or a different program and you are encountering doubts or what feel like limitations in your ability to tune in and receive information, and how to work through them, and some ways to really work with your left brain mind to create a friendlier internal environment to receive intuitive information with confidence and clarity, which is really the goal. At least when I run an animal communication student program, that is always my goal to help you befriend all levels of you, all aspects of your intuitive anatomy as well as your physiognomy, so that you can receive and send animal messages with confidence and clarity. But for now, what I want you to know is that it has happened more times than I can count, and definitely too many times to be some random statistical coincidence, that pet parent clients in session with me will say I knew my animal was going to say that or I knew that about my animal, and that to me is just one more level of confirmation that your animal truly is communicating with you. Your animal truly is sending you messages all the time.

Shannon Cutts:

And so where I want to kind of wrap up today's episode is with an invitation to you to start to tune in and start to notice themes in your day with your animal. Start to ask yourself, for instance, when you suddenly get an idea that your pet maybe needs to go out or wants a shower or a bath or is hungry or is bored or wants a treat, or you're kind of marking these kinds of routine occurrences in your day. And this is especially fun to do when there's kind of a time range. It's like, well, my animal usually gets hungry between four and six. Or when my animal wants to have a bath.

Shannon Cutts:

Petal, my cockatiel, often likes to have a bath in the morning. It's a very refreshing thing for her to do before she starts preening her feathers. Every single feather, every single day is kind of her motto in terms of grooming and self-care, and so she really likes to have a bath in the morning, but not every day. And so that's an example of something where I'm always kind of tuning into my intuition and asking myself, but really tuning in with her and asking her would you like to have a bath today? Would you like to have a bath this morning and seeing what unfolds before long you may discover that you're not really sure whether you were thinking that because it's two o'clock and your dog always likes to have a snack at two o'clock, or if the idea just came to you, which is a perfect example of your animal communicating with you.

Shannon Cutts:

Sometimes these communications are so subtle that you think it's your idea. When really you caught, you received the communication from your animal and it's like the mailman came and just slipped a little letter in the mail slot in your front door. How did that get there? And you can think that in terms of your thought oh, I think my dog wants to take a walk now. And you're like did you think that because of some kind of regular daily routine that you have, or did your dog slip that little memo in your internal mail slot? And you received it and without realizing it, you owned it as something your mind cooked up, but it's really coming from your dog.

Shannon Cutts:

So this is something really fun to play with as you go about your day and you start noticing all of a sudden this is something I do with my tortoise Malty, who lives outside about 85% of the time, but she knows when she's hungry that she can just come to the back door. She can walk up the ramp and wait by the dog door and I will come and open the door. She walks in and I fix her her plate. So often I will find myself getting out of my chair and just going to the back door and opening it and she will be there. And because I'm an animal communicator, now I no longer doubt who sent whom the message. But in my pre-animal communication days because she's 10 now, so we've been doing this routine for a while I used to always think it was me, it was my mind coming up with the idea oh, let me go check for malty. Now there have been so many times it's happened where I literally have been like working away at my laptop or doing something in another part of the house and somehow my feet just started walking in the direction of the back door and I opened it.

Shannon Cutts:

The most dramatic example of that was last week. We had a really epic storm roll in, like to the point where we made international news headlines and we had two tornadoes and this crazy windstorm and we'd lost power for like a week. And right as that storm was rolling in and I kid you not, it was like about two minutes before it, full on, hit us and our umbrellas fell over and this crazy windstorm blew through. Malty came marching out from her mud wallow, where she likes to stay, came very purposefully striding across the lawn, up the dog ramp and into the house. And I had just spontaneously gone to the door and here she comes marching in. I had no idea that this storm was about to hit us. She knew, but I had received her memo saying mom, come to the door and let me in. But it was all subconscious.

Shannon Cutts:

Because I am so movable now, because I am so open and my channel for listening to each one of my animals is always open and the volumes turned up to high for my personal animals. So they know they can call me at any time and I will come, whether my conscious mind is aware of it or is tuned into the specific message I'm getting or who I'm getting it from. I am so movable now that I will simply present myself to whomever needs me for whatever is needed, and so that is one of your homework assignments today is to start tuning in. How did I end up suddenly just walking over and grabbing the leash, or just getting up from my desk and going to find my cat and giving her a pet, or changing my afternoon plans and going to the stable to be with my horse, only to discover that he really needed something from me. How do these things happen? Is it all my idea or is my animal sending me messages?

Shannon Cutts:

And here's part two, and this is something this is actually an assignment from my free intuitive pet parenting mini course. So if you enjoy this one, you will definitely want to head over to animallovelanguagescom. Head over to resources tab right at the top, click on free tools and you can find the intuitive pet parenting free mini course. But this is one of the fun assignments that you will find inside to notice when you're coming back home, after you've been gone to notice, before you go to the front door, the back door, wherever you normally enter the house, try to identify where is your animal in the house especially. This is obviously more effective if they are free range, if they're not confined, like my petal is usually in her big cage in the bedroom, so I know where she is, but I can still ask myself what area, cause she's got a pretty big indoor casa or cage, so I can still ask myself where in that large indoor kind of aviary type cage is she? Okay.

Shannon Cutts:

But if your pet is free range, especially if they're allowed to go in and out, like our dog is, through the dog door, are they in the house? Are they in the yard? What part of the yard are they in? Start to sense for their energetic signature and ask yourself where is my animal in the house? Feel for where they are before you go in, especially if your pet is the kind that likes to meet you at the door. Ask yourself I do this a lot with my tortoise in the backyard, because we have a pretty big backyard, at least when you've got a tortoise who only weighs 10 pounds and so there's a lot of areas she could be in. So when I'm going to look for her, I'm asking myself intuitively where in the yard is she? And I'm noticing which direction my body turns.

Shannon Cutts:

This is kind of an example of very subtle applied kinesiology or muscle testing. If you're familiar where you stand up and you do the yes no test and if your body leans, usually it's forward as a yes and back as a no, but it might be different for you. Some people lean to one side or the other. So it's just getting to know your own system of what feels true for you. But start playing with this. And if you do try either one of these homework assignments either noticing when messages come in or you feel moved to do something for your animal, noticing where did that instinct or idea come from, or being able to kind of spot your pet's energetic signature in your home or yard before you actually get inside and verify that with your eyes and ears, your outer facing eyes and ears If you try either or both of these homework assignments, let me know how it goes.

Shannon Cutts:

I would love to hear what you experience and if you get a little bit closer to feeling like you actually are more intuitive than you think you are, than your left brain mind thinks that you are, and that is really important to recognize, because your left brain mind does have a very vital function in the animal communication process and I talk about that a lot more inside my animal communication adventure student program. But your left brain mind is not intuitive. That is not how it's designed to work, that is not one of its functions or job descriptions, if you will, and so often it is our left brain mind that says things to us like you're not intuitive and really what it's saying is I'm not intuitive. It's saying I am not wired for the intuitive side of your sensory system. So we take it personally and we say, oh, I think that I'm not an intuitive person and in reality it's your left brain mind thinking I'm not intuitive because it isn't. So start trying this on for size. Start allowing yourself to play with the idea, just wonder, notice, get curious and use these two homework assignments or fun interspecies enrichment activities, if you prefer to look at it that way, to try on the idea of an intuitive you for size, and if you want to pursue that further, under that same resources tab at animallovelanguagescom you will find another free mini class called intuitive you, and this is really the precursor to the intuitive pet parenting mini course that I mentioned earlier and it's really going to help and encourage you further to explore. Are you perhaps much more intuitive than you're giving yourself credit for?

Shannon Cutts:

So I hope you've enjoyed this episode of let's Talk to Animals, the podcast all species can enjoy together.

Shannon Cutts:

If you have a favorite episode, please do let me know. If you have questions, something you'd like to hear about in a future episode. Please do let me know if you have questions, something you'd like to hear about in a future episode? I'd love to hear that too. Please do take the time to give this podcast your review, your comments. Share it with a friend. All of these things really help us to kind of claim and grow our little corner of the greater podcast sphere. Plus, it inspires and encourages me to keep making fresh new episodes for you, and I love to hear from my fellow pet parents about what you're interested in, the challenges that you're going through, the ways that your pet is teaching you and guiding you along your own intuitive journey. So I look forward to welcoming you back in two weeks for a fresh new episode here at let's Talk to Animals, and until then, I'm sending you and your inner species family all of my love. Okay, bye for now.

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