Let's Talk to Animals

Unlocking the healing power of emotional freedom technique (EFT) for animals

Shannon Cutts Season 4 Episode 16

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Are you ready to unlock the healing potential of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for animals? Our guest, Joan Ranquet, an experienced animal communicator and Reiki master practitioner, shares her journey from discovering EFT as a personal trauma remedy to using it for animal healing. Joan gives us an intimate look into her experience with EFT and her remarkable success with her furry clients. She emphasizes the transformational power of EFT and how it can change our perceptions of animal behavior.

Dive into the world of EFT tapping as a tool for processing trauma in both humans and animals. We navigate the technique, the key points, and the calming effect it can bring to you and your pet. We discuss the ability of EFT to break free from looped animal behaviors and its applicability for recurring situations. It's a fascinating exploration, one that could fundamentally shift how you interact with and understand your four-legged companion.

The episode wraps up by delving into the potential of combining Animal Communication with EFT. Joan highlights how this combination can alleviate feelings of threat in animals, potentially replacing the need for medication or isolation. She underscores the importance of understanding an animal's essence before initiating communication and the crucial role of compassion and healing. Whether you're grappling with a tricky pet situation or simply curious about EFT, this episode is packed with insights and resources to aid in animal healing. Tune in and empower yourself with the knowledge of EFT for your animal companion's well-being.

Get the book "EFT for Animals" by Joan Ranquet: https://joanranquet.com/eft-book/

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Let's Talk to Animals. My name is Shannon Katz. I'm an animal, intuitive and sensitive, aka an animal communicator and a Reiki master practitioner here at AnimalLoveLanguagescom, where we are doing our utmost to demystify and de-woo inner species communication and also share all of the possibilities that open up when we begin having these wonderful, rich, two-way conversations with our companion animals, with the animals that we partner and work with and with the animals that we love and our planet. And today we have the ultra-wonderful Joan Raquette from Communication with All Life University and also the author of this amazing new book Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals. It's actually releasing this week And so we're going to be talking specifically about EFT and Emotional Freedom Technique. But first I just want to give Joan a warm welcome back for your second guest appearance here on Let's Talk to Animals. Thank you so much for having me. You are a pioneer and a leader in the field that I so love and feel so lucky to be a part of. If you're listening or you're watching and you've landed somehow on Let's Talk to Animals, first of all, welcome. And second, if you have not listened to part one, i'll put the link in the show notes below and you can listen to Joan's story of how she got her start as a communicator so many moons ago and how things have evolved for her. And we're meeting her here today during launch week for her brand new book, emotional Freedom Technique for Animals, and we're going to be talking much more specifically.

Speaker 1:

Yay, i know, i know, i'm an author myself. My literary agent once said you don't write a book because you want to write a book. You write a book because you need to write a book And, if you're lucky, you don't go crazy in the interim. This book, which is a first in the field, this is a real labor of love and is packed full of stories and real life examples of how to use EFT, what it is and how it works. But we want to give you a broad brush overview here today So you can decide if EFT is something that you want to pursue further, if it's something that may be a good fit for a situation you're facing with an animal, and to put you in touch with direct resources to get started right away. So, joan, i'm going to start right at the beginning, just like we did last time, and ask you how the heck you ever crossed paths with EFT in the first place. Can you just tell us a little bit about what is EFT and how did you discover it?

Speaker 2:

Okay, i've been a victim of a crime and I could not sleep. I could not sleep. Hypnotism didn't really work And I'm the type just so you know the people that were just here for my weekend workshop had just gone to India with me and we laughed about how I can sleep through anything. So I've always been that way. I can sleep in a busy airport. I can yeah, i can sleep. And so when I couldn't sleep, it really freaked me out And I, you know, and obviously it's not good for your health and all sorts of things. I heard about this from the hypnotist that it didn't work with. He said I just got certified in this new technique called Emotional Freedom Technique. I'll just do it for free, since the hypnotism didn't work. And so I went to his office and had the session and I started sleeping and I thought, okay, that is crazy great. And so at first I started thinking and it was so dumb, too right Like you're doing all this stuff, and you don't know what's going on.

Speaker 1:

We'll get into that, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I started thinking if that didn't, if that could work that easily, what about all the people And I wasn't even thinking about the animals yet. But what about all the people that either had a dog that was attacked or their dog was the attacker, right, the whole leash reactivity thing. Or people who had fallen off their horse and were afraid to get back on And so they'd had some sort of an accident or trauma, and the horse is like I'm okay, you know, i'm nervous for them because they're so nervous, but I'm okay. But the person still couldn't get on the horse And for whatever reason, i had a whole bunch of those kinds of clients at the time.

Speaker 2:

So I went ahead and asked the guy where he got certified and I took the first round of courses. Then I took more classes, but I started trying it. You know I do everything at least a hundred times for free before I charge. So I just anybody that had some sort of a trauma, i gave it away as a bonus to their animal communication session And in no time I got through a hundred people and I, you know. So that became another service that I taught, that I implemented in my then when I was an animal communicator it works really well.

Speaker 2:

I remember there was one woman who had broken a collarbone and was terrified to get on the horse. Another woman had a head injury. There was a boxer that had been attacked by somebody and started attacking people and stopped because the person was not as terrified and holding onto the leash in that way. So it really changed animal's behavior, to change how the human felt about the behavior. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I mean, to me it makes perfect sense And for you listening, if it doesn't yet, don't worry, we're going to keep going. We're going to keep talking about this and stick with us.

Speaker 2:

Okay, So I was in in 2004, said that was all in Denver, And then I moved to Florida with my dumb husband. That's a whole like international horse show scene And I had a lot of clients and I had a trainer that I rode with and I knew all of his clients because I'd read all their animals at some point. So one morning he calls me and he said, Joan, you've got to get out to the show grounds. The Shakespeare, who is a beautiful horse that I knew is going after ponies. And I'm like, well, I can do this on the phone, We'll just talk to him and find out why he's going after ponies. It's like, no, you need to come here.

Speaker 2:

And Chris wasn't that kind of guy, right, Like he wasn't dramatic, pretty, Capricorn, pretty like straightforward, pretty, you know we're going to get this done. So I ended up canceling all my clients that day or moving them around, and drove out to the horse show And I've never seen anything like it. I mean, this guy was the most elegant guy on the planet And here he was. And if you've ever seen a horse lunge at you with just their jaw, it's got a pterodactyl feeling to it. Right, It's scary. I watched him. He would jump the jump so that we were in a warm up ring. And so there's a million. There had been a million girls and ponies, but they were all terrified. And so a couple of girls came in and ponies and Shakespeare like literally went after the ponies And Chris who also, I might add, is possibly one of the most beautiful riders I've ever seen in my life couldn't contain this horse.

Speaker 2:

I had an idea that I was probably gonna tap on him, So I said I can talk to him, but let's do it, Let's find a place away from everybody's, because we might wanna try something weird that we don't want anyone watching, And Chris loved anything I tried. So he was like, okay, let's go over here. So we found an empty bar now and we certainly didn't want any ponies, right? So I did the communication with Shakespeare And what he shared was that it felt like he had been taken away from his mother when he was too young. And also in the communication he shared that when he was weaned he was put in a pasture with ponies and he was small at the time, but the ponies picked on him And he was just. You know, he felt terrible. So he didn't even feel like he could defend himself, And even as he grew, he didn't know how big he was right, he was just being attacked by these ponies.

Speaker 2:

So he just really grew to hate ponies and he really hadn't seen them other than at the Swarth Show. He lived in a very you know fancy barn with his person and was a jumper, and so they just lived in a barn where in the field, where there were other giant horses and giant jumps, and life was good. And uh-oh, my past is revisiting me. Here are these ponies. I thought, okay, i'm gonna try the EFT and I'm just gonna make up the same points. And I'd done acupressure. I had been trained in the 90s with acupressure, so I kind of knew what points for humans and how they would correlate with the points for the animals. So I just started tapping on him. I hate ponies, i hate ponies. And we just did this whole thing about how these evil little ponies. And then eventually you know I can forgive them, i can release this, i'm ready to let this go. And all the while I'm tapping. So I'm telling the terrible story, transitioning into the outcome. We want tapping on, feel good, very calming tapping points.

Speaker 2:

Eventually you could see him release and he yawned and he yawned and he yawned, which is a big sign of release. And so then the true test came. We took him back into the warmup arena and he was eyeballing like the whites of his eyes. He was looking at the ponies all around, but he wasn't going after them, and so we took that as a huge win. And then, about four months later, chris I rode with Chris so I saw him a few times a week. He's like you're not gonna believe this, shakespeare has been moved across the barnoil from a pony and he's fine. And then in the end Shakespeare was retired in a paddock, a pasture, next to a pony, and they were seen grooming each other. So that's the story of Shakespeare.

Speaker 1:

So this is a remarkable transformation And for those of you who are watching or listening and you're like, yes, I want that, but what is this thing And how do I access it And how does it work, Of course you'll want to read the book for the whole story. I will put the show notes. It's jonerandquettcom and that's R-A-N-Q-U-E-Tcom backslash store And I will put that in the show notes. But for just a quick broad brush overview, Joan, can you just share what is the weird thing that you did on Shakespeare? And you shared a little bit about the story and the trauma and some points and the word acupressure. And so can you just give us a little newbie 101 overview of what emotional freedom technique might look like? if you were with Shakespeare right now and you were going through the scenario, what would you be doing?

Speaker 2:

So EFT tapping is tapping on acupressure points and each acupressure point, all acupressure points, are connected to meridians and those meridians are connected to organs and those organ systems are, in traditional Chinese medicine, tcm, considered to be connected to emotions. And, on top of it, all the specific points that we use for tapping have a calming effect. Each of those points have a calming effect. So, like I said, you can be telling a bad story while tapping on these specific points and have a calming effect going on while you are telling a terrible story.

Speaker 2:

Like they won't forget the story, but it won't trigger them as much. We're hopefully not at all.

Speaker 1:

How is EFT different? Some folks might be listening and going oh good, i know acupressure, i'll just do that. Is there an extra component in EFT that differentiates it?

Speaker 2:

Well, EFT is the specific points right The bladder one, the triple meter 23, stomach one. So each of the points are very specifically for omics.

Speaker 1:

So it's a specific system of points that is designed to help the physical system release or detach from or process I guess is a good word for it some kind of trauma Correct. Well said So, eft I've used it on myself for years before I ever discovered it could be used with animals, and I still use it today. Life is always handing us challenges, and whether those are challenges with their animals or challenges with ourselves as a system, and so I absolutely adore it. However, i would say it's still less well known for use with animals, and there's a very interesting point because when you started, you were talking about your first experience with EFT was really for yourself, so you had first hand experience. This stuff works. It might look weird as crap, it might you want to sneak behind the door and do it, but it works.

Speaker 1:

And the thing is is that even when we're usually maybe not quite so open to doing something for ourselves, especially if it feels a little woo or a little whoa or a little bit outside of our comfort zone when our animals are suffering, i have seen that make pet parents very, very brief and open in a way that maybe they wouldn't even be open for themselves.

Speaker 1:

So I'm curious if Chris then, or whoever Shakespeare's person was, also needed some emotional release. Can you do EFT on both the person and their animal at the same time? Again asking for everyone who's listening who's like yes, i think I might want to do this.

Speaker 2:

Well here's. So in that situation We just did the one round of tapping and miraculously it worked, And partly because I think that both Chris and Karen was the owner, We're so shocked by the behavior. It didn't have time to process it, right, And then it was gone. So we didn't tap with them at the time. But normally I will tap with the person first, because the person will have their own feelings about the situation, right. So, for example, with that situation, if I were to tap in the person, I would have asked you know, how do you feel about this? And they might have said I'm sad for him but I'm frustrated and I'm annoyed and it scares me because I can't control him. It's out of control, right? So I would have gotten all those words from the feeling, those feeling and those words from the human, which are completely different than what Shakespeare's experience is. And that's why when people always say oh, I have anxiety and therefore my animal's marrying me and he has anxiety.

Speaker 2:

No, he has anxiety for his own reasons And so we have to break those apart. We might be enmeshed, but the minute we start to break them apart, one or the other can have an anxiety moment. But it's not like some bad biofeedback loop, right, right, it is simply this person is experiencing this. So in this case, chris or Karen may have been frustrated, scared, sad yeah, sad for the horse, and the horse was experiencing fear. I'm going to get them back, those stupid ponies, you know, sort of thing. So that sort of feel, those feelings are very different than what Chris and Karen would have been feeling. But, like I said, in that particular instance it only happened the one time and it was so terrifying and shocking that I think you know they somehow were able to forget at the minute it was happening because it changed so quickly.

Speaker 2:

But most situations, like a leash reactive dog or a cat that's peeing in the house, are situations that come up repeatedly. And so, if you think of, like, when I walk down a trail, that trail has a little dip in the dirt right, Like, cause it's been walked on a lot. It's a well-trodden path. Well, often the patterns we get into with our animals are a well-trodden path, meaning here my dog does this and then I do this, right, like when my dog gets reactive, i get angry or I get frustrated or I get. So now we're locked into a pattern.

Speaker 2:

So sometimes it takes more than one magical tapping session to break open that pattern, because a pattern can have a lot of pentacles and other things Like maybe I had the perfect dog before this dog that did this, and so there's also Greek. It's just investigating and breaking it apart and looking at it, helping the person see. So I'll tap with the person because they'll see how much they're feeding into it, and sometimes that's enough because they also go oh, i want to be the leader out there on the street. I don't want to be the victim of my dog, i want to show my dog he's safe. So often the person will step into kind of a new role with their animal, if you will.

Speaker 1:

It is a magical transformation indeed, especially because, speaking as a pet parent, now not as an animal communicator it's very easy to take a look at our animals' issues or challenges or feedback loop, behavior patterns and forget that we do have a relationship and that we have our own thoughts and we have our own feelings and we may be unconsciously facilitating the very thing that we're trying so hard.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Not to do.

Speaker 1:

Not to transform or to change or to stop, and it can be particularly difficult when, as an animal guardian, to stop and realize, oh my gosh, maybe it isn't some kind of straight, simple, mirroring thing, but we're keeping company together And I know, when I'm around anxious people, i tend to get more anxious, even if I'm not aware of their anxiety, and so it's about being aware of myself. It's like I can't control what's going on with them. But I can control, i have a lot of control over my own inner state, and I feel like that's not just the simple experience of being able to put the story into words and being heard by the EFT practitioner, just having another human to talk to and just share the story, but also being given a practicals tool that can help right away. Now, in your story with Shakespeare, it sounds like you were tapping on Shakespeare, and perhaps that's because you had a pre-existing relationship with him, and it also sounded like really I mean, a perfect storm, yes, but also a perfect situation, in that Chris had a relationship with you And he was open to animal communication and he was able to call you right away and resolve the issue really quickly.

Speaker 1:

What if we're dealing with like a reactive animal or maybe a rescued animal that is perceived as aggressive And there isn't the ability to tap on that animal, because I don't want people listening or watching and thinking well, that sounds great, but I could never tap on my animal. I could never tap on this animal I'm fostering or working with. How does it work then?

Speaker 2:

So there are several ways you could do it. You could either I like to actually Tap into the air, or I could tap on another animal, or I could just tap on a stuffed animal. All three of those things are called surrogate tapping and either way, we have the intention Set of. I'm getting to that bladder. One point, oh, and that's good, i you. So the intention is there that I'm going to transform the situation and that I'm gonna calm this animal down. So even if you're not touching the animal, we're still getting through that's a really important point to make.

Speaker 1:

There's lots of options. You can learn more about all the different options and How to use them as you work your way through Jones new book. But I also wanted to ask a question. In the Shakespeare story, which we're just kind of using as our model today to introduce EFT to everybody's listening or watching, you Initially said, okay, i'll just have a conversation with Shakespeare over the phone, i'll find out what's happening. And then, because you've been exposed to EFT and because Chris was so beside himself And that was so unusual, you decided well, i'm gonna have a conversation and then I'm going to use another modality and this is something that feels So important to understand about the role of animal communication and how it sometimes is a standalone Resource and sometimes it needs to be paired. So I would love for you to share a little bit about what was it that said This is the thing. I'm not gonna do the acupressure first. I'm not gonna try essential oils, i'm not gonna call a holistic vet, i am gonna try EFT right here, right now because I've done.

Speaker 2:

Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people used it, hundreds and hundreds of people for the leash reactivity and the fear of getting back on the horse, and I Mean back in the day. I did probably seven appointments a day, four or five days a week, so I was exposed to a lot of people and a lot of animal challenges And so I at that point used it for about two and a half years on people and it's seen dramatic results and because of that I was able to just try it like What have we got to lose?

Speaker 1:

Yes, you know, and it sounded like you did have somewhat of an existing relationship with this horse where you were able to pinpoint How very out of character this behavior truly was. yeah, and not just listening to Chris and saying, well, he's sure freaked out, but is this really that out of character for this animal?

Speaker 2:

and having that relationship, Well, i mean, and that goes the way that I teach animal communication is really, you know, the first thing you do is you never jump into them, like why the hell are you doing this? It's you. You get a sense of who they are, their essence and their favorite thing. So if this is a horse that loves to work, loves to jump, loves to show loves his person loves Chris, everybody does loves, you know. So he's Super passionate about everything he does and then he has this aberrant behavior, then This is extreme and I'm gonna at that time It felt like an extreme measure I'm gonna do something quickly.

Speaker 1:

And isn't it brilliant that we have something that We can do quickly that doesn't involve medication or isolation or Giving up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and nobody's in trouble here. You get to feel how you feel, but if it's going to affect those around you, if it's gonna threaten those around you, then we have to mitigate, bring down those feelings so that you're no longer a threat.

Speaker 1:

You can still not like bones, but in the end I found out he was retired with one, so there, What I love the most and there's a lot of things to love about this story, but what I love the most is something I've been increasingly encouraging my own students to play with and definitely definitely trying to stand in these shoes Myself as often as possible. So let's just kind of forget about species for a moment and imagine that we all Share the same responses, the same essential responses to things like trauma in our lives. Do this is what brought it up. I love what you just said about nobody's in trouble here. We're just having a moment, we're just having an experience, and we need the same basic things in order to not let these Experiences, these moments of trauma, take over our identity and take over our relationships and take over our lives and for animals Sometimes to end our lives. Because, yeah, and you make a plea in the end of your book that I hope everyone who reads your book will Take to heart about let's throw out the idea that there are any animals that are Unadoptable, that are beyond Rehabilitation, and, again, just forgetting about, let's forget about species for a moment.

Speaker 1:

There's all kinds of reasons to be interested in species. There's all kinds of reasons to remember species and advocate for different species, but in some cases we're all more like than different. If you were in those shoes or those hooves or those paws, you would very likely Have the same reaction and need this a lot of help to, and a lot of compassion And a lot of healing. You're listening or you're watching. This isn't designed to be a how-to Podcast. This is designed to be an overview, to give you an introduction, to offer you another opportunity to experience something new with your animal and And definitely another an alternative to things like there's a place for anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants and things like that and Behavioral training. But this is something else. This is something, i would venture to say, maybe even deeper.

Speaker 2:

And what I wanted to say also is that it's great to be an animal communicator and ask them how they feel, but the the way that I've structured the kind of investigation sheets in the book, you don't have to be an indicator, and not only that. You can, all of a sudden, just in asking these questions and answering as if you are Your own animal, you're going to get insights into the whole thing in a way that would have never occurred to you before, and healing then starts Right there. Right, because you're all of a sudden going oh, he's beating up the other cat, because then he can go outside, not because he doesn't like the cat, not because he's an asshole Oops sorry, we know all those words around here.

Speaker 1:

I had a guest last week ask me can we cuss on here?

Speaker 2:

I was like absolutely Right ahead And yeah, the cat isn't beating someone up because he's a jerk. He's not beating someone up because he doesn't like the other cat. He's beating someone up because you've accidentally trained him that the minute he's rowdy he can go outside, and that's all he wanted to begin with.

Speaker 1:

And it's so interesting because it actually I was going to say the word forces, but actually just invites us to turn that camera lens back on ourselves Remember that we are a part of this equation and to consider how we impact others around us. And it's so easy. We talked on the last show, when you were on last time, about anthropocentrism and trying to kind of break those lenses, break those glasses, and let's try on a new model of relationship and interdependence And I can't find the right word but shared responsibility.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they have agency And yet we're co-creating. But we're kind of the ones that turn off the light and pay the bills and do. We're kind of big sister here.

Speaker 1:

We have advantages in certain ways, we have certain controls, but then our animals find ways like we can control so much. And then there are the things that we can't control, like the peeing that you mentioned or the aggression, and I always like to approach my own. I live with four different species here and my own companion animals sometimes do things that are frankly, mystifying and also highly aggravating. And to think to myself, to the animal, this behavior always makes sense, invites me to turn that camera lens on myself and also to try to step into their world, the empathy channel that will draw me into their world and see life from their perspective, and I love that you highlight that not everyone who listens to Let's Talk to animals has aspirations to become an animal communicator on any kind of professional or professional volunteer level.

Speaker 1:

I do believe that we're all animal communicators because we're all animals And we do have those inbuilt pathways, and if they don't always show up, they certainly can in a crisis. And EFT is a great way to explore some of your own intuitive abilities and opportunities, and yet it's not required. It's its own stand alone skill that you can develop, and it actually is a great thing to try on yourself If you're not sure how your animal is going to react, if you're not sure you're ready to try it on your animal yet, start with yourself. If you can't find any recent trauma, think back to when you were in middle school. I'm sure you'll find something.

Speaker 1:

And you can try it on yourself first and check it out and just give it a test run, and if it works well for you, then you can give it a try on an animal that you have, that you or that you care about, that is struggling with something, and see how it goes. So, joan, before we conclude today, of course I'll put all the notes in the show, notes about how to find your book, how to reach out to your team. But I have a couple of closing questions. One, if someone wanted to hire you or hire one of your teachers to do EFT, to help them through it, because I know for me, even if I think I could do it myself, i often really enjoy hiring someone to do it with me the first time, so I get a sense of how the whole thing could work together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really a great way to do it. I mean, that's probably the best So if you're right to assist at JoanRamquettecom and asked about that. If I have time, i'm happy to do it. If I'm out of the price point, i also have students that need case studies And then in between, like there's some graduates that charge less than me but do charge. So just depending on the need and the budget, we can help you.

Speaker 1:

You'll make it happen one way or another. Now, how about for those who may want to add EFT to their own toolkit? how would you direct them in terms of actually studying or maybe getting certified?

Speaker 2:

So then they would want to call my Shannon and I have my own Shannon.

Speaker 1:

I know you do.

Speaker 2:

And so you would write to info at JoanRamquettecom. Even if you wrote to assist, they would direct you to that. And we do have upcoming. We're going to have a virtual day at the end of July, online all day on a Saturday. I will be in Boston for those that will be in Boston in September teaching at Circles of Wisdom for a day, and then we've got courses online every Thursday. Twice a year. We start that energy healing for animals And yeah. So there's all kinds of ways and eventually there will be all kinds of bookstores around the country that I'll be popping into.

Speaker 1:

That's just happening. But for now, just know that if you can find your way to Amazon or you can find your way to JoanRamquettecom, click on the store tab. You can get. You too can have your own copy. Yes, The first book written specifically for using emotional freedom technique with animals, Joan, always a delight. I can say that now because this is our second time chatting.

Speaker 2:

Yes, talking to animals. Thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much because this is a needed resource that will help I'm absolutely confident in saying it is going to help so many animal guardians, pet parents and the animals that they love and care for. For you, our dear listeners, our dear viewers, thank you for tuning in for your first or your latest episode of Let's Talk to Animals. We have three wonderful seasons prior to this where I speak with amazing intuitives and holistic practitioners and guardians all over the world. You can get a sense of just how widespread this inner species consciousness evolution is becoming. It isn't a wonderful, wonderful, exciting time that we live in.

Speaker 1:

If you're just joining us now for season four, episodes are dropping every two weeks. That's just to give me a little more time to do fun things like read books and do deep dives with our guests and learn and grow with you. Please do bookmark animallovelinguagescom backslash podcast or you can find us on YouTube under Shanakas or your favorite streaming service, and enjoy all of our episodes. I look forward to welcoming you back very, very soon. Okay, all of our love. Bye for now, thank you, thank you.

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