Let's Talk to Animals

Is your pet really anxious? Three alternate explanations for anxious pet behavior

Shannon Cutts Season 4 Episode 17
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00:00 | 24:10

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Pet anxiety is on the upswing. As the world we share with our animal companions gets louder, brighter, more unrelenting in every sensory way, human animals are not the only ones who may act out due to rampant feelings of anxiety!

But is that anxious behavior you are seeing in your pet truly because of anxiety? Could there be other factors contributing to what you are labeling as pet anxiety?

In this episode, animal communicator Shannon Cutts shares stories from her recent client files to explain how simply calling anxious-appearing behaviors "pet anxiety" may cause us to miss the bigger picture of what is going on with our animal.

This episode focuses on three commonly overlooked pet issues that can masquerade as anxiety, trigger anxiety or lead to anxiety. You will also learn more about a genetic temperament trait that affects up to 20 percent of all pets - high sensitivity - and how this trait interacts with anxiety in affected pets.

Learn more and request Shannon's free Highly Sensitive Pet Help Guide at https://animallovelanguages.com/ 

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