Let's Talk to Animals

Part Two of How a Lost Turtle Led to a Miraculous Love Story of Pet Reincarnation

Shannon Cutts Season 5 Episode 23
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00:00 | 34:51

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We pick up the story where we left off two weeks ago with a missing animal family member, an aching heart and far more questions than answers.

If you have ever had a pet go missing, and especially if their disappearance was never satisfactorily resolved, the continuation of this two-parter podcast episode is just for you.

Animal communication adds so much depth to the journey because it allows for the missing animal to share their why as well as their possible whereabouts. And sometimes, what a pet has to say may be downright shocking.

In the conclusion of the story, I share with you how what I once believed to be an irretrievable loss all at once transformed into a miraculous story come full-circle.

Mentioned in this article:
Io box turtle: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm--vYGv0Dt6kzPy33d3iv_qXL7mQofBF

Get your free pet reincarnation guide: https://www.animallovelanguages.com/petreincarnation 👀

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